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The competition ended ages ago, but if you have found this page and want to try the quiz, feel free to fill it in!
The first 10 are multiple choice questions, then you need to do some typing. The picture round is next and finally, there is a tie breaker question. Sorry this page is rather long, but I am just trying out this forms business. Good luck.
Q1. In which episode did Gabrielle lose her blood innocence? Gabrielle:Murderer Princess The Deliverer Hooves and Harlots Gabrielle's Hope
Q2. In which 2 episodes did Xena's brothers appear? Sins of the Past and A Family Affair and Remember Nothing and Warrior..Princess Deathmask and Remember Nothing Deathmask and Sins of the Past
Q3. Which character has Xena NOT had sex with? Hercules Borias Autolycus Iolaus
Q4. Who taught Xena pressure points? M'Lila Lao Ma Sinteres Alti Borias
Q5. Who was crowned Miss Known World? Xena Miss Skiros Miss Artifyce Miss Parnassas Miss Messini
Q6. In which episode did Gabrielle throw Xena's chakram? Sins of the Past The Greater Good A Day in the Life The Quest The Titans
Q7. What did Xena use to kill the Green Dragon? fire breathing skills Lao Ma's powers her chakram pressure points a hair pin
Q8. Which of Xena's lookalikes is a virgin? None of them Diana Meg Leah All of them
Q9. In which episode did Xena and Gabrielle NOT kiss one another? The Greater Good Is there a Doctor in the House? The Quest The Debt Return of Callisto
Q10. Who or what is Kaltaka? The Chinese God or War An old friend of Xena's Gabrielle's pony when she was a girl water the Greek name for Argo's tack
Q11. Who plays Gabrielle's sister Lila?
Q12. In which episode did we first meet Autolycus?
Q13. What was notable about the episode Ten Little Warlords?
Q14. Name Solan's centaur foster father.
Q15. In Hooves and Harlots, who hit Gabrielle on the head with a staff?
Q16. He's played Marat, Darkon and Theodorus who is he?
Q17. In which episode did Joxer speak pig Latin?
Q18. In which episode did Salmoneus speak pig Latin?
Q19. Who gave Gabrielle the Amazon right of caste?
Q20. What vanished in Vanishing Act?
Q21. In which episode did we hear about Tyrella?
Q22. Who beat up Xena and knocked out one of her back teeth?
Q23. Who killed Atrius?
Q24. In which episode did Gabrielle get her hair cut?
Q25. Which episode had sub-headings?
Tie Breaker: List the episodes that feature FRUIT in some way. (HINT, there are lots!)