Directed by Atom Egoyan
June 2014
Devil's Knot (15)
Starring Colin Firth, Reese Witherspoon, Mereille Enos, Bruce Greenwood, Dane Dehaan, Stephen Moyer, Amy Ryan, Alessandro Nivola
In many ways, the film's plot is a metaphor for this film. Loads of fantastic actors - Firth, Witherspoon, Mereille Enos, Bruce Greenwood, Dane Dehaan, Stephen Moyer, Amy Ryan, Alessandro Nivola and classy director Atom Egoyan should all be clues to a good film. Sounds like a winner? All the signs are there, surely it is guilty of being a decent film? WRONG!
In the movie, the suspects are convicted based their terrible taste in clothes, music and truly criminal haircuts (a ginger mullet? Must be a pervert killer!) police incompetence and the Bible Belt hysteria of the small town Memphis community means there is no proper investigation, no CSI clue hunting here. However this story is told in such a leaden and slow manner, the actors so stifled, this is a huge disappointment.
What should have been a gripping portrait of injustice, instead focuses on an oddly charisma-free Reese Witherspoon and an also oddly charmless Colin Firth. Half of the plot is told in those annoying onscreen 'here's what happened later' notices at the end of the film. More than anything though this is NOT an entertaining or fun film. No interesting character development, no real answers to this real life horrific event.
Moral of the story, don't see a film based on its cast! Reese and Colin, you let me down!
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